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Industrial spares and equipment of Flux - from trusted FAMAGA India reseller. To find out prices and delivery times, please fill out the feedback form or send a request to [email protected]

Flux, headquartered in Germany, boasts a rich history in the manufacturing sector. Situated in a country known for its engineering prowess, Flux leverages its strategic location to produce high-quality industrial equipment components.The company specializes in a wide range of products essential for industrial processes. Their product portfolio includes various types of pumps, such as centrifugal pumps, drum pumps, eccentric worm-drive pumps, and air-operated diaphragm pumps. Additionally, Flux offers a comprehensive selection of pump accessories and spare parts to meet diverse industrial needs.
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Brand's production
10-430 40 112
10-458 00 001
10-959 04 052
10-959 04 061
F24 PP-50/38
F24 PVDF-50/38
FEM 4070 F 430 PP -40/33